Well, it's been a pretty exciting week in the Nite household, yet again. Of course, since we decided to go to the lake every weekend, this weekend was all gloomy and rainy and cold! It started getting chilly on Friday night, when Mom and Dad took me to my first baseball game. It was so chilly that we didn't get to stay long, just long enough to take some pictures of me in my overalls.
So we stuck close to home for the rest of the weekend. Saturday, our neighbors Charlie and Carin came over to play games with Mom and Dad. Carin's going to have a baby, like, now, so they passed the time playing board games. I hung out with Lila, who is three. She kept wanting to tickle me, and sit in the chair with me -- do I smell a crush?
Then last night we tried food for the very first time! I pretty quickly understood what the spoon was for, and that it had delicious cereal on it. I even was able to grab the handle of the cup Mom handed me and got a few sips of milk! Of course, a couple hours after the eating most of it came back up. Maybe my mouth and hands are ready to eat, but my tummy's not quite there yet.
Before bed last night, I got to take another bath in the big-people tub, but with Dad this time. Dad held me up and let me splash all over the place, and I didn't like it one bit.
Okay, maybe a little bit.
Watch this space!