Well, it's the end of another busy week. This week, the teething really started to get me down. I still don't have any teeth poking through yet, but I can feel them trying, and it hurts! The coldest teething toys don't stay cold nearly as long as I want them to. The first two nights this week, I woke up at 4 a.m. because they hurt, and then I realized I was REALLY HUNGRY! Mom and Dad had a couple of zombie days before I got back into my bed-at-nine, up-at-six routine.
But there are some good trade-offs to getting older. For example, I can sit up for almost a minute at a time now! In this picture, my sittin' up skills are enhanced by the awesome pajamas I got from cousin Isabel.
I'm also getting more and more interested in the world around me. I used to hate mirrors, but now I can stare and stare at them, smiling and making faces. I've even figured out that when Mom holds me up to the big mirror, that's her reflection, too! I also used to hate having toys hanging in my face when I was in my bouncer or car seat, but now I can't get enough of them. It's a good chance to practice my grabbing skills when Mom or Dad's face, hair, and glasses aren't around.
Mom and Dad are still waiting for me to roll over. I know how to do it, but there's usually no reason to! Still, they want me to practice every day, so I go along with it. I'm just waiting 'til I can stand and walk. All of that playing and learning means even more napping, so I can assimilate the information and be ready to use it later. Sometimes, you've just got to settle into the Boppy with a blankie and take a rest, man.
Watch this space!
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