Well, it's been another exciting week and a quiet weekend. Sorry I didn't write earlier; it's amazing how a whole week can just slip by!
This week I changed a whole lot, and Mom and Dad are still trying to catch up. I talk all the time now, whether it's little coos and whimpers or nice LOUD yells. It doesn't matter if I'm happy, sad, bored, or tired: I just like to hear what my voice can do, at all volumes and pitches.
On Saturday morning, I decided it was finally time to ease Mom and Dad's minds and show them that I do know how to roll over. I started rolling on Saturday morning and pretty much haven't stopped since! This leads to some new challenges for Mom and Dad; like, last night they put me to bed in the co-sleeper, but I wasn't sleepy yet, so I kept rolling over in there and popping my head up. Since I'm also getting bigger, there's not too much room in there, so I couldn't roll back over, and that didn't make me happy at all! That'll teach them to put me to bed before I'm ready to go.
The rolling over is a little problematic with the crib, too. Mom and Dad put me in there in the morning so they can shower, but the past two days they've heard me crying over the monitor and come in to find I have an arm or a leg stuck through the slats! Looks like they'll have to get me one of those mesh breathable bumpers (since I also like to sleep with my face pressed up against the side of the crib).
I'm also getting better at grabbing and manipulating things, and I've started to figure out that everything's a toy, especially the stuff Mom and Dad are always playing with. Mom and Dad were taking turns taking pictures with me, and I decided *I* wanted to have a go with the camera:
So most of the time now I like lying on my space mat, either face up or face down, and hanging out in my jumper. I can spend a half hour in there, just dancing around to music and happily chewing on the ropes. Dad can't believe how I can jump and spin around and almost control where I'm going. Looks like I'm going to have the walking thing figured out pretty soon!
This weekend was pretty quiet, since we needed to cower in our air-conditioned bedroom. We did try some new food for me: fresh peas from the farmer's market. I wasn't quite ready for something with a flavor, but I still like eating from a spoon, and I really like drinking from a cup. The oatmeal cereal is great, but I think I'll skip the greens for a while!
On Father's Day we had a quiet day at home. We spent some time outside in the morning, but most of the day we just hung out together and Mom and Dad watched me roll over and half-crawl around. I've got the back half of the crawling worked out, but my arms won't cooperate, so I just scoot along on my face. Mom and Dad aren't thrilled with that arrangement, but it works for short distances on a soft surface.
Can't wait to fly on a plane again to visit my family in Tennessee! I'm meeting my Aunts for the first time, and going to my Aunt Eve's wedding, and I get to meet my cousin Isa, too!
Watch this space!
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