Wow, another week come and gone! I can't believe we made it to another Saturday morning. The sun is shining, the trees are budding, and we get to go to the farmer's market again!
Last weekend, we went to the market for my first time. Mom and Dad have been telling me about it since I was born! I tried to fight off my usual stroller nap and look around, because there was a lot so see -- all the bright colors of flowers and vegetables and fruit! We walked around the whole thing, and Mom and Dad told me about all of the great food I'll start eating in a couple of months. I'm starting to get the hang of this 'outside' thing. So much input!
Last weekend Mom had her 25th birthday party, and I got to see Addy again! For some reason, it didn't go too well. Mom and her mom wanted to get an adorable picture of the two of us together but . . . well . . .
In addition to being my adorable and wonderful self this week, I learned two new tricks that Mom and Dad absolutely love. Here's the first one:
Yup, if I'm tired, or bored, or hungry (Mom and Dad always feed me when I'm hungry, but it takes time to get it ready), I can just suck on my fingers! When I'm crying, I can calm myself down and just suck on 'em until Mom and Dad fix whatever's wrong. That means I've been crying a lot less!
The second trick is sleeping all the way through the night. Night before last, I went to bed at ten o'clock and slept until 6. Last night, I went to bed at ten and slept until seven! When I woke up, I just talked to myself a little until Mom and Dad woke up, then I smiled at them and waited for Mom to pump and then feed me. I'm starting to get a big head from Mom and Dad telling me what a perfect baby I am!
I'm still working on sitting up and rolling over. I've rolled over a couple of times, but it's harder to do it on purpose. Besides, I love sitting up and standing up so much that rolling over practice is kind of boring. But I can almost sit up all by myself, and I can stay upright for as long as five seconds before I fall over!
Mom and Dad can't believe how much more aware I am of the world around me than even last week. I love playing with toys now, or even just looking at the pattern on Dad's shirt, or playing with my feet, or just looking around and talking to everything. So much to say, so much to see, so much to do!
Watch this space!
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