Well, it's been another exciting week in the Nite household. Where to begin . . . well, Sunday was Mother's Day, the first one for me and for Mom! We all got dressed up and went out to breakfast at Salut: Bar Americain. We finally got someone to take a picture of all of us together (sorry about the face -- I can't stop sticking my tongue out now that I've figured out I have one).
After that, me and Mom and Dad had a lazy day playing with my Hungry Caterpillar toys:
The rest of the week rushed by, pretty much! Mom and Dad were looking forward to my doctor's appointment today. They couldn't wait to show Liz all the tricks I've learned, like playing with my feet, and reaching out and grabbing toys -- two toy for two hands:
They did finally let me have an evening to myself, though. They went to a Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers concert last night, and left me in the capable hands of my fairy godmother, Kaia. We had a good time, once I settled down and stopped crying. Mom and Dad said they had an awesome time at the concert, but they thought about me the whole time.
The doctor's visit went well, except for the whole STICKING NEEDLES IN MY LEGS again. At least this time I knew how to stick my fingers in my mouth to calm down, so I harldy cried. The doctor says I'm 25 inches tall and 14.4 ounces, totally healthy and strong and perfect in every way, as per usual. I'm just stoked I finally broke the 2-foot-tall height barrier. Now there's no stopping me!
After the doctor's office, I think Mom and Dad felt bad about the whole needle thing, as well they might, and so they got me a new toy! It's a big toy, and I'm still figuring out how to play with it, but it looks pretty fun.
So that's about it for now. Liz says in the next couple of months I'll really start learning new sounds to make, be even more interested in the world around me -- I don't know how that's possible, but it'll happen -- and soon I even get to try food. Mom and Dad are fascinating when they're eating, so I can't wait for that!
Watch this space!
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