Wow, what a busy weekend! Saturday, Mom and Dad took me to the Festival of Nations in St. Paul. It was in a big convention center, and there were all kinds of sights and sounds and smells that I'd never encountered before! For a while, I enjoyed taking everything in, but it wasn't long before I decided maybe there was too much input, and that I would really much rather be back at home. Mom and Dad didn't mind too much, as I saved them a lot of money buying trinkets by leaving early!
Sunday was a lot more fun for me. For starters, I got to wear this great outfit that Grandma and Great-grandma got me!
We went to the May Day parade in South Minneapolis. Mom and Dad parked the car about a half mile from the parade and took me for a nice stroll to the parade route. It was a beautiful day, and I'm really starting to enjoy being outside. I smiled at the breeze, and I kicked my feet, and I enjoyed being in the stroller, and watching the parade from Mom or Dad's arms. There were some amazing puppets and floats!
After the parade we spent an hour just hanging out in the park on a blanket. It was great! Now that it's not freezing cold, this whole 'outside' thing is definitely all right.
On Tuesday, Mom and Dad had a Cinco De Mayo party, which meant more people to bask in my awesomeness! I don't mind being handed around and smiling at everyone. Mom and Dad are working hard to make sure I'm a social baby who can handle a lot of friends, because everyone wants to meet me!
This week has been a big learning week for me, too. I learned how to grab my feet, and they're absolutely fascinating. I can't quite get them in my mouth, but I'm working on it. I've also learned a few new sounds -- my favorite is making raspberries. I'm also getting really close to laughing -- right now it's more of a delighted squeal, but I'm working on it. Right now all I can say is "Elmooo" and "moooo," but I'm sure I'll work my way up to antidisestablishmentarianism in no time.
I'll post some pictures of the party and the feet-grabbing soon, but for now, check out my new shoes! They're my first pair, and they really help me practice my standing up. Plus, they're New Balance, which means I'm well on my way to being as dorky as Mom and Dad.
Watch this space!
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