Let me tell you, for someone who can't even talk and doesn't have any teeth, I'm a busy guy! (Dad expresses his apologies, by the way, for not writing for over a week. He said something about 'work.' Whatever.) Anyway, the past nine days or so have been full of lots of new experiences for me and new learning adventures for Mom and Dad.
Last week, Mom learned that she can hold me while she bowls! Mom and Dad felt a little weird about taking me to a bowling alley, but hey -- I weigh about as much as a bowling ball, so I felt right at home. The blacklights were really, really cool, I thought. Mom didn't bowl as well as she usually does while she was holding me, but you can hardly blame her.
As the weather gets nicer and nicer, I'm learning that I really love being outside. Sometimes if I'm upset, Dad can just carry me outside and I'll calm right down. I love feeling the air on my skin and the grass (or table) under my feet.
Mom and Dad took me to the lake on Memorial Day. We went with our neighbors on Saturday, but didn't stay long. They have a two-year-old, and you know how those types are. On Monday we stayed for over an hour, even though it was really windy. I got to lie in my little sun shelter and watch the wind toss it around. I even got to dip my feet in the water! I can't wait until I'm old enough to wear sunscreen and I can spend some more time exploring. For now, my hat will have to do.
I'm still working on rolling over. I can do it sometimes, but only when I'm in the mood, or when I'm concentrating so hard on a toy that I fall over. I can roll onto my side really easily, though, and usually that's all I need to get to a toy. I am starting to enjoy being on my tummy, since that makes it easier to grab things and look at them, and stick them in my mouth. I'm also enjoying my time sitting up, especially in the sittin' up chair.
I've also given up most other forms of communication now that I've discovered the raspberry. Even when I'm upset, It's way more fun to say "Mmmm, mmmm, thhppbbbt." It still gets the point across!
So that's the state of the baby right now. Tonight, I took a bath in the big tub with Mom so they could take some more future blackmail pictures. I was a little confused, but I liked kicking my legs and splashing. Mom tried to sit me up, but -- well, how can I put this delicately -- I float from the waist down. Dad said something unkind about the chunkiness of my thighs and chubbiness of my butt and their flotation properties. It's okay -- we'll see how many times I make him change shirts tomorrow.
Watch this space!