There was a lot of crying today, and for once, I wasn't the one doing most of it! Me, Mom, Dad, and Grandma all watched Obama's inauguration together. Mom and Dad both got all teary-eyed thinking about me, and being proud of our country, and of what the future's going to be like. I can't wait to find out, myself -- who knows what the world will be like when I'm four years old, or eight? It's pretty exciting. Dad read the lyrics to the song they played at the inauguration, and it sounded pretty good to me: "'Tis a gift to be simple, 'tis a gift to be free, 'tis a gift to come down where we ought to be." I don't have the cognitive capacity to think about all the coincidences and forces that led to our family coming together, but I think we came down where we ought to be, and we're all grateful.
After the inauguration, the home visit nurse came to visit Mom and check us both out. She said that I needed to eat more because I lost a half an ounce between yesterday's doctor's visit and today. Well, I'm sorry, lady, I was sleeping for most of the day and you interrupted my feeding to weigh me! Are you trying to give me body image issues before I turn 1 years old? But Mom told me not to worry, because the doctor yesterday said I was a champion feeder and I was doing great. With all the diapers I'm filling, I must be doing something right! At least the nurse said that Mom is healing ahead of schedule. That's good, because I still feel a little guilty about Mom having to have stitches because of me.
After a little visit with our friend Rhiannon, it was time to end another busy day. We all watched a little Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Dad let me sleep inside his hoodie. That's my favorite place to sleep -- I sleep way more soundly in that than in my co-sleeper!
Tomorrow Grandma has to go back to Arizona, but hopefully my Nana will come visit me soon. Maybe if I'm cute enough, Grandma will stay an extra couple of days. But no matter what, me, Mom, and Dad are a happy little family.
Watch this space!
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