Well, yesterday was a pretty big day for me. I had my first doctor's appointment, so I had to go out into the world! Thankfully, it's gotten a lot warmer since Mom and Dad brought me home from the hospital. It was all the way up to 23 degrees! That's practically shorts weather!
Mom and Dad put me in ano
I hear the doctor said that I am healthy and strong. My heart and lungs sound great, my color is perfect, I don't have any jaundice, and I'm eating plenty. I was already pretty sure I was perfect, but it was good to hear someone else verify it.
Then it was back home, where I finally woke up and ate a little, then sat and stared at Mom, Dad, and Grandma for a few hours. To top it all off, I got the hiccups for the first time (well, the first time since I've been outside of Mom. She says I used to get them all the time on the inside).
After a pretty good night where I actually slept more than I cried, I'm looking forward to watching the inauguration with Mom and Dad. I was there when Mom voted for Obama, after all! And if you think I'm going to make a diaper joke about "change we can believe in," then you're going to be sorely disappointed. Let's have a little dignity, okay?
Watch this space!
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