Wow, Friday was pretty much my busiest day ever! Mom and Dad decided to try and do some things they haven't done since I was born, and for the most part it all turned out great. We were all exhausted by the end of the day, but they were proud of me and I was proud of them!
First, we got a coupon for The Children's Place, a store that's in a big mall. It seemed like the right time to try out my awesome stroller that Nana and Granddaddy got for me. It's been sitting in the hallway since before I was born! When we got to the mall, Dad snapped my car seat into the stroller and off we went. The stroller performed awesomely -- I didn't even wake up when Mom ran into the bottom of a display!
Sadly, the clothes at The Children's Place were all kind of ugly. I don't mean to be a snob, but I don't like clothes that have "cute" little dogs, cats, ducks, trucks, giraffes, pigs, trains, slogans, whatever, on them. It's like, "hey, I'm the baby, here. You give me something with some style, and I'll provide the cute."
So we left there and went to Babies r Us to try and find some clothes, and so Mom could try and feed me in their Mommy room. Babies R Us didn't have any good clothes for me, either -- all the good stuff, the little sweaters and jeans and stuff -- I can't have that until I'm at least a month older. But Mom did feed me in the Mommy room, after just a half hour of me faking her out and two diaper changes. No problem!
Then Mom and Dad went to eat, and then we went to the grocery store. We stocked up on good stuff for Mom to turn into food for me (and, less importantly, for her to stay full) -- strawberries and oranges and instant pudding and boring stuff like meat and milk.
When we got home we were all pretty worn out, but then our friend Dan came over for a little while, and we all had dinner. Then we finally slept for a little bit . . .
. . . until Mom woke up at 4 a.m. and couldn't feel her wedding ring finger. See, today was the first day that she was able to put her rings back on, since her fingers have been swollen for months. So she fell asleep with them on and woke up to a purple finger! Dad tried to pull it off, but he only made it worse, and I was hungry and crying and it was pure chaos for a little bit!
Fortunately, Mom kept calm, and while Dad fed me she read on the Internet that you can get a ring cut off at most fire stations. There's one only a few blocks away, so we called them and they said to come on over. So at 4:30 in the morning, at -6 degrees, we all drove over there so the fireman could free Mom's finger. I'm sure I would have loved to see the fire trucks, but the car seat knocked me out yet again.
So today, we're just going to sit in bed most of the day and try and recover. I'm not sure who got more tired yesterday, Mom and Dad or me! At least I got to sleep through most of it!
Watch this space!
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