So it's been almost a week since my first trip on an airplane, and we're slowly getting back into a routine. I mean, as much as there can be a routine -- it seems like every day I'm growing and changing, and every day my needs are a little bit different!
The past few days, I've been very nice to Mom and Dad by eating every three to four hours instead of every two. That means they have time to do things like clean, read, and sleep! I don't know if I'll always be that generous, but they deserve a break every now and then.
Last night, Mom and Dad went on a date and left me with a babysitter for the very first time. Sure, when I was three weeks old they left me with Nana and Granddaddy for a few hours, but this time I didn't even know the people they left me with! They went to see something called The Watchmen, which they won't let me watch for at least fifteen years, and they were gone for four whole hours!
I wasn't sure what to think when Abby and Amanda showed up, but Mom said that Abby is a licensed nanny, so I decided to trust them. It turned out just fine -- Abby and Amanda were just as good at changing my diapers and giving me a bottle as Mom and Dad are, and after they did that I just fell asleep. I think Mom and Dad probably missed me more than I missed them, since they were awake the whole time!
Mom and Dad were very glad to know that they are capable of leaving the house without me, but they still don't want to do it too often. Personally, I'll hang out with Abby and Amanda any time!
Watch this space!
We had a great time hanging out with you Ollie! You are a most adorable and well behaved baby. Especially when you sleep through whole movies. :)