Well, this week started out pretty well. Mom and Dad started a bedtime routine with me, so every night I get a bath with nice-smelling sleepy soap, and then they read me a bedtime story or two, and then I go to sleep for four or five hours. I like looking at the pictures in the books, and usually it takes two or three books to get me sleepy,but then I'll sleep like an angel!
Mom and Dad also got me a few new clothes this week, since I insist on getting bigger whether they want me to or not. And they finally washed all the clothes they bought in Arizona, so I got to wear my overalls and my jeans again. I felt very grown up. It almost makes Dad sad to see me wearing pants and a shirt, though -- he says I look too old. I think the fact that I'm under two feet tall should keep me from looking too ancient, though.
Today we went to the doctor's office and I got to see Liz again. She was very impressed with my strength and muscle control. I showed her how I can hold my head up, and how I can almost sit up without help and even stand up with barely any help! I was a little concerned that I gained three pounds in just six weeks, though. I mean, that may not sound bad, but that's a quarter of my body weight! How would you feel if you gained 25% of your body weight in less than two months?
Doctor Liz said I'm doing really well, though, and that my height and weight are exactly where they should be. I'm 23 inches long (though they should say 'tall' now, since I'm standing up) and weigh 11 lbs and 12 oz. I also kept up my proud tradition of peeing on the scale, even though they put a paper towel on me this time and I didn't get to go for distance.
After all that, just as I was relaxing after a bottle and Mom was holding me, they stuck needles in me! Right in my legs! I screamed, of course, and Mom and Dad and I all started crying. I don't know what they were crying about, when I was the one with the NEEDLES in my LEGS! I don't know why all the medicine couldn't be like the first vaccine they gave me -- it was a tasty syrup-y kind of thing and didn't involve NEEDLES IN MY LEGS.
After we got home, I had a little fever from the shots and I was pretty cranky, but I still let Mom and Dad play Settlers of Catan with Uncle Dan. After he left, I went to sleep and didn't budge for five hours, and now I feel pretty okay. At least I'll never have to go through that again! Right? Right, guys?
Watch this space!
He is so beautiful. Wonderful photographs.