Wow, I can't believe it's been two weeks since I put a post up! Sorry about that. I've been busy going on my first plane trip, my first sleepover at someone else's house, and probably dozens of other firsts!
Dad's boss said it would be nice if Dad could come to Phoenix for a week or so, and we figured since Mom's taking a break from work right now, we should do it as soon as possible. So we decided to go on Friday the 20th, and the next Tuesday we left for a whole week! You wouldn't believe all the stuff Mom and Dad had to take just to bring me with them! They brought my co-sleeper and my swing, and with that and all my clothes, and the diaper bag, and mom's pump -- well, they looked like they were moving to India for a year or something.
I found out that I really like being on airplanes. I'm not so fond of the part before you get on the plane, and I really hate the part right after you get off, but the plane rides were really nice! On the way there, I curled up in dad's arms or mom's arms and slept most of the ride, only waking up to eat on takeoff and landing so my ears didn't hurt. As we got off the plane, people said I was so quiet and well-behaved. They said that to Mom and Dad, almost like Mom and Dad had anything to do with it! Well . . . I suppose they did dress me in stylish and appropriate travel wear, so they get that much credit:

Once we got there, we went to Zack's house to stay for a few days. We had a really good time -- I met a lot of Mom and Dad's friends in Phoenix, and I enjoyed bathing in the bathroom sink, even though I saw my arch-enemy Revilo taking his bath at the same time:

And of course Mom got me some cute new clothes while she was out shopping. It's a good thing I came along -- I think Mom and Dad were running out of things to buy before I was born, and now there's always awesome clothes to buy for me! They ought to thank me for outgrowing clothes, because then they have an excuse to get more!
Then we went down to Grandma and Grandpa's house, and we had a good time there, too. I swear I got an inch taller and a little bigger around, too, by the time we left. I finally have outgrown some of my clothes, and I'm starting to outgrow my diapers! I let Mom and Dad know that the diapers are getting too small by occasionally going to the bathroom over, under, or through them. I know it's gross, but I had to get their attention somehow!
I also got to spend some time outside. In Minneapolis, it's been too cold for me to go out for my entire life, but with Grandma and Grandpa I got to sit outside in my swing. The breeze was a little scary at first, but I enjoyed it after a while. Mom and Dad say that summer in Minneapolis is a lot like that, only the air is wetter and the sun's not as harsh. I can't wait to see, because I really enjoyed hanging out outside with my family. I also got to take a nap with my grandpa:

I was really calm and groovy for most of the trip, but the last couple of days I finally got tired of it. I was tired of the car seat, tired of always being too hot (it was 90 degrees there!), tired of being fed without the brest friend pillow -- I was just ready to go home, and I had a cranky couple of days. Mom and Dad didn't hold it against me, though, and they finally took me home last night.
On the flight home, I was cranky for a while until Mom and Dad finally figured out that I wanted to sit up, like a real person. I mean, I was wearing my first pair of jeans, and I was a whole week older than the baby who lay down the entire flight there, and I just wanted to sit and hold my head up and look around. So Dad put me on his lap, and I sat back for a good hour and a half. After that, I got sleepy and finally let them hold me again, since I had made my point.

We got home around 9 o'clock last night. I was so glad to be back! Now I can relax in my bouncer and watch Mom and Dad unpack and clean up. I have at least a couple more years before they make me help!

I can't believe all the stuff I've learned in the past few days! I can hold my head up pretty much by myself now, and if Mom or Dad holds my arms, I can pull up and sit up, and even stand up! It looks like I'm not supposed to crawl until 6 months or so, but maybe I can speed things up a little. At the end of next week I have my 8 week check-up, so we'll see how I'm doing.

I'll try not to make it another two weeks before I post here. As always, you can see the tons of new pictures on Dad's
flickr.Watch this space!