Well, I know it's been a while, and it'll probably be another while before I get another post up. Mom's been busy with the end of the school semester, and Dad's been busy writing for Kingdom of Loathing, and we've all been busy getting the kitchen remodeled! I do love the new kitchen, though; so thoughtful of Mom and Dad to bring all of my snacks down to my level!
The kitchen cabinets got in right after Grandma and Grandpa. I enjoyed spending time with them while Mom and Dad got the kitchen ready, and then spending more time with Mom and Dad while Grandma and Grandpa worked! Even though it was hectic, we had a great Thanksgiving with Mom's aunts and uncles and cousins. Are they my second cousins, or once removed, or -- ah, forget it.
What else -- oh, yeah, apparently Minnesota's football team is doing well this season.
We're all looking forward to seeing Dad's side of the family for Christmas. I'm practicing my walking, talking, and singing for the occasion.
Yup, it's hard to catch me crawling these days, unless I really have to get somewhere fast. Most of the time, I'm walking. Sure, I look like a drunken midget, but hey -- I'm new at this, okay? Anyway, this video's over a week old -- you should see me cruise now.
Watch this space!
P.S. Dad says this batch of pictures had an incredible number of adorable pictures, and that you should go here to see them all.
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