Wow, I can't believe how long it's been since I've had time to sit down and post! We had a really busy week and change over here. Nana and Granddaddy were here, and Dad and Granddaddy were doing work on the house the whole week, and then Grandma came, too, and I just didn't get anything done but eating, sleeping, and going to the bathroom.
On Sunday my Great-Aunt J.J. threw a party just for me! She called it a 'shower,' because you get showered with presents. I met a lot of family and got tons of awesome new clothes and books! Nana took pictures at the party, so I'll have to wait to post those, but here's a picture of me in my outfit:
It was one of the first ones Mom and Dad bought for me, and it's always been huge on me, but now it's starting to fit. That makes Mom and Dad a little sad.
But like it or not, I'm growing up! I'm starting to wear all my 0-3 month clothes, and actually growing out of the newborn clothes a little. My feet are almost too big for the 0-3 month pajamas, but that's because Dad has cursed me with his giant amphibian paddle-feet.
I'm also staying awake longer and longer during the day. Yesterday I was awake from 6 a.m. up until 1 p.m., and then I only went to sleep because we went for a drive in the car. I don't really cry unless I'm hungry or wet, though -- most of the time I'm awake, I just look around and try to make sense of all the bright colors.
It's hard to believe I'm only a month old, and already I've changed so much. Things are changing outside, too -- the weather's getting a little warmer, and there might be some spring on the way. I can't wait for Mom and Dad to take me to the farmer's market!
Watch this space!
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