Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Clean and Dry.

Wow, I can't believe how long it's been since I've had time to sit down and post! We had a really busy week and change over here. Nana and Granddaddy were here, and Dad and Granddaddy were doing work on the house the whole week, and then Grandma came, too, and I just didn't get anything done but eating, sleeping, and going to the bathroom.

On Sunday my Great-Aunt J.J. threw a party just for me! She called it a 'shower,' because you get showered with presents. I met a lot of family and got tons of awesome new clothes and books! Nana took pictures at the party, so I'll have to wait to post those, but here's a picture of me in my outfit:

It was one of the first ones Mom and Dad bought for me, and it's always been huge on me, but now it's starting to fit. That makes Mom and Dad a little sad.

But like it or not, I'm growing up! I'm starting to wear all my 0-3 month clothes, and actually growing out of the newborn clothes a little. My feet are almost too big for the 0-3 month pajamas, but that's because Dad has cursed me with his giant amphibian paddle-feet.

I'm also staying awake longer and longer during the day. Yesterday I was awake from 6 a.m. up until 1 p.m., and then I only went to sleep because we went for a drive in the car. I don't really cry unless I'm hungry or wet, though -- most of the time I'm awake, I just look around and try to make sense of all the bright colors.

It's hard to believe I'm only a month old, and already I've changed so much. Things are changing outside, too -- the weather's getting a little warmer, and there might be some spring on the way. I can't wait for Mom and Dad to take me to the farmer's market!

Watch this space!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My parents are grand. . .

Sorry I haven't updated ina while, but it's been a busy couple of days. Nana and Granddaddy are here visiting, and I've been busy keeping them entertained!

I don't know why, but for some reason I'm off of my regular schedule. It takes me an hour to eat, and sometimes I forget how to do it entirely. Some nights I'm awake the entire night -- not crying, just kicking my legs and arms and looking around at stuff. Mom and Dad don't know what to do with it, but we're all just waiting to see what the next thing is. I finally took pity on them and let them sleep last night, though!

Mom and Dad are starting to notice that my newborn clothes are fitting tighter than they used to. I can almost fit into all my 0-3 month clothes now! It's exciting for me, and for Mom and Dad, but they kind of wish I would stay small forever. I tell them that's the kind of crazy thinking that leads to having multiple babies, and I won't stand for that! Why would they need another baby when they have me?

I'm just waiting for next weekend, when Grandma comes back into town. She and Mom and Nana are taking me to a baby shower, which i'm told means more loot for me! Hopefully, I get some cute new clothes.

Watch this space!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hungry For Caterpillar . . .

For the past few days I've been ridiculously alert and attentive. I hear that newborn babies are only supposed to be awake for an hour at a time, max, but I've been awake for three and four hours straight! I'll lie on my back or side and just stare at everything around me. Sometimes Mom or Dad will put me on their chest so I can practice holding my head up, and then I exercise my neck and stomach muscles until I get dizzy and projectile spit-up.

My eyesight is getting better, too. I can track my toys when Mom and Dad hold them up in front of me. And as the picture up top shows, I was finally able to grab that hungry little caterpillar and give him a good chewing! I also talked to the caterpillar a little bit. It's mostly grunts and squeals right now, but occasionally I'll get in a good "Goo" or "Laa." Mom and Dad can't wait until I can really make baby sounds.

So everything's going well here. Mom and Dad think I'm the funniest person they know. Granted, most of my humor is scatalogical, but at least it gets them laughing. I mean, when you're changing your third diaper in ten minutes, you really need to laugh, right?

We all can't wait for Dad's parents to come. Dad's Mom says she wants to be called Nana, but we're thinking "Granny Beavis." Then after she rejects that, we can go with Mema.

Here's a picture of me before our Super Bowl party. Personally, I thought the Cardinals couldn't catch a break with the referees, but it was still a good game.

Watch this space!