Well, it's the middle of the summer now, and I have another plane trip under my belt. The next one is in three weeks, when we all go to San Diego for Comic-Con.
It's been so hot in Minneapolis that we have to sleep with an air conditioner on. I get cranky in the heat, but for the most part I'm keeping my famous good humor. Everyone who meets me says they've never seen such a smiley baby before! Also, I've learned how to do the Cabbage Patch:

So what's been happening since the last post -- well, Mom and Dad took me over to Abby and Amanda's so they could go out for their third wedding anniversary. Just two days later, we had to pack up and fly to Tennessee for my Aunt Sissy's wedding. The plane ride wasn't as fun for me as the last one, because each way was split into two parts, so that meant a lot of getting packed up and hauled around. Not to mention the plane was small and bumpy and LOUD! But once we got there, I had a great time. My Uncle Francisco made me laugh so hard I got the hiccups, and it was awesome meeting my Aunt Andee, cousin Isa, Aunt Sissy, Uncle Bro-Sissy, and all of my great-aunts, great-uncles, and whatever Mom and Dad's cousins are to me (we never quite figured that one out). It was the very most special for me to meet Great-Mema and Great-Nana and Great-Papa Don, though.

I don't want to toot my own horn, but I think I looked pretty awesome in my wedding suit. It was so hot that I didn't wear it very long, but long enough to take some truly impressive pictures.

Mom and Dad also made sure to get more blackmail pictures with me and cousin Isa, just to make sure neither of us can ever get a date when we're older. Bathtime is always fun, but Isa is a way better splasher than I am! I'm going to have to step up my game.

When we got home, Mom wasn't feeling well, so we got to spend this whole week hanging out as a family! It was most good. Then yesterday I got to go in a swimming pool for the first time! Since the mean people at the Minneapolis Parks Service won't let me use my raft in the lake, I haven't spent much time in the water. But I spent a good hour yesterday floating around in the S.S. This Baby. I loved it! I can't wait until September, where we'll have a house with a pool for a whole week!

You'll notice most of the pictures on the
Flickr from this upload are with me on my stomach. That's 'cause I'm hardly ever on my back anymore. I can spend hours on my tummy, playing with toys and trying to crawl. Currently, my back half is really good at crawling, but my front half not so much. Mom and Dad have a fun time explaining to people why I have rug burn on my face!

That's about all I've got for now. Check the Flickr for more pictures, and Dad will try and upload some of Aunt Sissy's wedding pictures with a relative quickness. Watch this space!