Well, it's been a long time, and I shouldn't have left you without a dope beat to step to. There's been plenty going on, and it's getting harder and harder for Mom and Dad to get good pictures of me, since the only time I'm still is when I'm asleep. But no excuses! We'll try and step up the post frequency for the rest of the year. I'll split this post into two, so it doesn't get too long.
So since we last spoke, I had a great birthday party with my friends Addy, Lila, and Mason, and a lot of Mom and Dad's friends. Erin and Mom made me some fantastic cakes:
And I got to have one all to myself. Now, I've seen pictures of babies making fools out of themselves on their first birthday, smashing cakes and eating them double-fisted. I thought it was much more dignified to take slow, tiny pinches.
No need to get messy.
Okay, maybe a *little* messy.
We rounded out January with a visit to Auntie Lisa and her baby, Orion. He's a few months younger than I am, so he can't walk yet, but we still had fun playing together.
And yeah, he's pretty much taller and bigger than I am. Mom and Dad don't mind if I stay small, but it's a little embarrassing. I mean, here's me taking a nap with my friend, Addy. You'd never know she's three months younger than I am!
And why didn't I get any camouflage?
Anyway, January was a pretty awesome month. I learned how to say "please" and "juice," both of which are coming in handy, and I started actually playing with my shape sorter. I'll be working on cold fusion any day now.
Watch this space!