Well, it's been a fun couple of weeks! I cut two more teeth in the past week, and Fall has finally fallen. Since I'm a winter baby, I've been overheated all summer, and now I can finally enjoy hanging out in long sleeves and pants. My new clothes are almost unbearably stylish, aren't they?
I'm getting closer and closer to standing on my own. I can stand up without holding onto anything now, and can stay up for almost ten seconds! Fortunately, all the practice is making me better at falling, too. I hardly ever bonk my head on the floor any more, and Mom and Dad can trust me to play with some of the more advanced toys without constantly shadowing me.
This weekend was pretty cool. On Saturday, Mom and Dad took me to the Waterpark of America. Then they took me home, and I spent the night with Abby while they slept in a hotel. I missed them a little, and they missed me a lot, but we all got through it. Now that I'm sleeping through the night in my crib, once I got to sleep I didn't notice they were gone.
On Sunday, we all went to tromp through the pumpkin patch! We got a big pumpkin for Dad, a smaller one for Mom, and even a little one for me. They had a little petting zoo, too. I wasn't sure about the goats, but I really liked the pig!
Then we went to our friend Claire's house and I got to play with some people closer to my age, for a change! Sofie's really fun, and super-cute...I wonder how she feels about younger guys?
I'll leave you with one of the rare pictures of our whole little family. Are we not lovely?