Saturday, January 31, 2009

Gaze in wonder . . .

I had my two-week doctor's appointment on Friday, and the doctor pretty much confirmed what Mom and Dad already knew: I'm awesome. I'm above my birth weight already, so I'm eating plenty, and the doctor said I am healthy and strong. She was amazed at how well I could move around, especially after I rolled all the way from my back to my stomach in front of her! She said that I may be two weeks old, but I'm acting more like a one-month old. At this rate, I can get my drivers license when I'm 8!

The doctor also said I'm pretty smart, because I can go from a breast to a bottle to a pacifier without getting confused. I don't see what's so hard about that: two out of three of them have food in them, and one is good for when I just want to unwind. I don't know why I'd be picky about a bottle or a breast, so long as it's mama's milk!

You'll be happy to know that I also kept up my record for peeing on doctor's offices. Three for three! This time, I waited until they had put me on the scale and everyone was watching to see what my weight was before I let fly. Then, when we got home, I managed to pee on Dad and Mom at the same time while they were changing me! That's got to be worth extra points.

So I'm health, strong, smart, and generally good-tempered. I'm also getting steadily cuter. My face changed completely over the last couple of days, to the point that Mom and Dad were a little weirded out. Look: the first picture is from two days ago, and the second one is today. Would you believe we're the same person?

Mom and Dad are a little torn by how quickly I'm developing; they can't wait for the next milestone, but they also wish I could stay little forever. But we're all excited to see what I become.

Watch this space!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Two whole weeks!

Yes, yesterday was a landmark for me, one in a series of landmarks that shall mark land until land can be marked no more (can you tell Dad didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night?): I turned two weeks old!

I celebrated my bimonthiversary by refusing to poop for twelve hours, until Mom and Dad were slightly frantic. I was up most of the night making the kind of straining noises and movements that it would be crude to describe. Let's just say that the troubles are over, and I am once again sleeping peacefully in Mom's arms.

Oo, I also got a bath again today, and actually enjoyed it this time! I complained when they put me in the water, but after a few minutes, I was really having fun.

I'm starting to stay awake for a lot longer at a stretch, and my eyes are focusing much better. Mom was showing me a toy today, and I followed it with my eyes, and then I reached up and grabbed it! After that, I didn't know what to do with it, but I have to start somewhere, right?

Tomorrow I go to the pediatrician for my two-week visit. If I'm back up to my birth weight, I don't have to get woken up for feedings anymore, which means Mom and Dad can sleep as long as I want to sleep! I think I'm up to my birth weight, probably. I don't know, how do I look from the side? Have I been stress-eating?

Watch this space!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

All Quiet on the Western Front. . .

(So should I keep the cowlick? Dad thinks it makes me look cute, but Mom isn't sold on it). It's been a quite quaintly quiet couple of days at the Nite household, so I don't have much to post. I mean, I could get into the intricacies of my bowels and whatnot, but I don't think anyone but Mom and Dad care how often I poop or how much.

So let's just say I've been healthy and happy, and Mom and Dad have spent a lot of time just looking at me, talking to me, that kind of thing. I actually picked up a toy and looked at it yesterday, and today I figured out how to pick up my head when I'm lying on my stomach! We even got a video of the momentous occasion. You can see it on my Youtube channel.

I also got a bath today, and this time I didn't immediately pee on my clothes afterward! Nope, I peed on the wall while I was still in the bath. They never saw it coming! At least this time I didn't scream the whole time. I actually kind of enjoyed it! And then afterward, I got to wear my new hooded towel that the Buttermanns got me. Nice, huh?

Watch this space!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Wee, sleekit, cowrin', tim'rous beastie.

What a wonderful weekend! Saturday, Mom and Dad stayed in bed most of the day and I got to take turns napping on each of them. We watched some movies, but mostly we just rested because Saturday night I got to go to my first party!

It was Burns' Night, a celebration of poet Robbie Burns (and an excuse to drink scotch and eat haggis), and Mom and Dad knew there were going to be a lot of people there who wanted to meet me. So they put me in an awesome outfit that they got just for the party:

and off we went. I did wonderfully well at the party -- I got a little overheated in the crowded room, but didn't fuss too much. I actually was awake a lot of the time, and quietly allowed myself to be handed from lady to lady. Attention from the ladies is, I fear, a burden I shall suffer bravely for my entire life. Mom and Dad were able to have a great time and take care of me at the same time. Eventually we had to go home because they got tired -- I was wide awake! But we all had an awesome evening, even though Mom and Dad wouldn't let me try the haggis or the scotch.

After all that excitement, today was pretty laid-back. My great-aunt Janelle and a couple of cousins(? First removed? Second? My great-aunt's children. My aunts? No -- never mind) came by to visit, and I had a bath, but that's about it. Oh, and an hour after my bath, I peed all over myself, so that'll teach them to bathe me. At least this time they had the diaper halfway on me, so I didn't pee up the wall like last time!

So now Mom and Dad and I are lying in bed, and they're looking at me and sniffling a little bit and wiping their eyes. I'm pretty sure I'm the most loved baby boy in the world, the way they're looking at me! Not even the pterodactyl noise I make when my diaper's wet can change the way they feel. I think we're going to all have a good time growing up together.

Watch this space!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Video Killed the Flickr Star. . .

If you've been saying to yourself, "sure, these photos are great, but what does the kid look like when he's moving?" then wait no more.  You can see videos of me at my youtube channel,  So far I have video of everything entertaining I can do: hiccup, stare at stuff, wave my hands around aimlessly, all that good stuff.

So now I have a blog, a youtube channel, a flickr feed, and a gmail account.  Dad says I can't have twitter until I can at least talk, though.

More input, Stephanie!

Wow, Friday was pretty much my busiest day ever! Mom and Dad decided to try and do some things they haven't done since I was born, and for the most part it all turned out great. We were all exhausted by the end of the day, but they were proud of me and I was proud of them!

First, we got a coupon for The Children's Place, a store that's in a big mall. It seemed like the right time to try out my awesome stroller that Nana and Granddaddy got for me. It's been sitting in the hallway since before I was born! When we got to the mall, Dad snapped my car seat into the stroller and off we went. The stroller performed awesomely -- I didn't even wake up when Mom ran into the bottom of a display!

Sadly, the clothes at The Children's Place were all kind of ugly. I don't mean to be a snob, but I don't like clothes that have "cute" little dogs, cats, ducks, trucks, giraffes, pigs, trains, slogans, whatever, on them. It's like, "hey, I'm the baby, here. You give me something with some style, and I'll provide the cute."

So we left there and went to Babies r Us to try and find some clothes, and so Mom could try and feed me in their Mommy room. Babies R Us didn't have any good clothes for me, either -- all the good stuff, the little sweaters and jeans and stuff -- I can't have that until I'm at least a month older. But Mom did feed me in the Mommy room, after just a half hour of me faking her out and two diaper changes. No problem!

Then Mom and Dad went to eat, and then we went to the grocery store. We stocked up on good stuff for Mom to turn into food for me (and, less importantly, for her to stay full) -- strawberries and oranges and instant pudding and boring stuff like meat and milk.

When we got home we were all pretty worn out, but then our friend Dan came over for a little while, and we all had dinner. Then we finally slept for a little bit . . .

. . . until Mom woke up at 4 a.m. and couldn't feel her wedding ring finger. See, today was the first day that she was able to put her rings back on, since her fingers have been swollen for months. So she fell asleep with them on and woke up to a purple finger! Dad tried to pull it off, but he only made it worse, and I was hungry and crying and it was pure chaos for a little bit!

Fortunately, Mom kept calm, and while Dad fed me she read on the Internet that you can get a ring cut off at most fire stations. There's one only a few blocks away, so we called them and they said to come on over. So at 4:30 in the morning, at -6 degrees, we all drove over there so the fireman could free Mom's finger. I'm sure I would have loved to see the fire trucks, but the car seat knocked me out yet again.

So today, we're just going to sit in bed most of the day and try and recover. I'm not sure who got more tired yesterday, Mom and Dad or me! At least I got to sleep through most of it!

Watch this space!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The savage breast. . .

Okay, so last night was a little embarrassing. For some reason, I forgot how to breast feed! I woke up at 3:00 in the morning, like I usually do, and Mom set me up to feed, and I couldn't figure out how to do it! Maybe I was too hungry, or something, but I couldn't figure it out. Mom and I both got so frustrated we didn't know what to do!

Finally, Mom and Dad gave me a bottle with Mom's milk. After that, I slept for a couple of hours and woke up hungry again. This time, they gave me the bottle first, and then I breast fed like a champ! What can I say -- I don't really know what happened.

Thank goodness we had a visit with the Nurse Practitioner today, because Mom and Dad were worried about me. But the nurse said that I was perfect in every way -- I've gained enough weight, and I'm eating well. She said not to worry if I don't feed the same all the time, because I'm only a week old and I'm still figuring things out!

We ran some errands and got me some new clothes, and when we got home I decided to show Mom and Dad just how well I can breast feed. So I ate three times between 12 and 4, and I was still a little hungry when I went down for a nap. Dad thinks I'll be six feet tall tomorrow, with all the eating I was doing!

Now we're hanging out in the basement watching Star Trek. I'm happy and content, and so are Mom and Dad, because they know that I'm healthy, well-fed, and irresistibly cute.

Watch this space!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Navel Academy. . .

Today was a big day for me. I turned a week old, and when Dad lifted up my onesie to change me, and my umbilical cord fell off! My belly button is still a little scabby, but at least I lost the big ol' stump Dad left when he cut the cord. Here's hoping it doesn't heal into an outie, leaving me to be shunned by the rest of humanity.

Mom and Dad put me in the carseat again and we drove Grandma to the airport. I acted so cute all morning, but Grandma still left! I slept the whole way there and back, of course, because the car seat is a powerful narcotic for me.

It's been a little lonely in the house without Grandma, but Mom and Dad are having a good time hanging out with just me. Right now we're all sitting on the couch watching Star Trek: The Next Generation. Even a week-old baby can tell it's good stuff!

Tomorrow I'm off to the doctor again, because the home visit nurse said I wasn't gaining weight fast enough. I guess I'll have to keep waking Mom and Dad up for feedings tonight so I can get back to my fighting weight. The way I've been eating, I'm sure there won't be any problem.

I didn't get to wear any of my cute outfits today, but check this out: don't you think everyone should have a penguin hat?

Watch this space!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Simple Gifts. . .

There was a lot of crying today, and for once, I wasn't the one doing most of it! Me, Mom, Dad, and Grandma all watched Obama's inauguration together. Mom and Dad both got all teary-eyed thinking about me, and being proud of our country, and of what the future's going to be like. I can't wait to find out, myself -- who knows what the world will be like when I'm four years old, or eight? It's pretty exciting. Dad read the lyrics to the song they played at the inauguration, and it sounded pretty good to me: "'Tis a gift to be simple, 'tis a gift to be free, 'tis a gift to come down where we ought to be." I don't have the cognitive capacity to think about all the coincidences and forces that led to our family coming together, but I think we came down where we ought to be, and we're all grateful.

After the inauguration, the home visit nurse came to visit Mom and check us both out. She said that I needed to eat more because I lost a half an ounce between yesterday's doctor's visit and today. Well, I'm sorry, lady, I was sleeping for most of the day and you interrupted my feeding to weigh me! Are you trying to give me body image issues before I turn 1 years old? But Mom told me not to worry, because the doctor yesterday said I was a champion feeder and I was doing great. With all the diapers I'm filling, I must be doing something right! At least the nurse said that Mom is healing ahead of schedule. That's good, because I still feel a little guilty about Mom having to have stitches because of me.

After a little visit with our friend Rhiannon, it was time to end another busy day. We all watched a little Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Dad let me sleep inside his hoodie. That's my favorite place to sleep -- I sleep way more soundly in that than in my co-sleeper!

Tomorrow Grandma has to go back to Arizona, but hopefully my Nana will come visit me soon. Maybe if I'm cute enough, Grandma will stay an extra couple of days. But no matter what, me, Mom, and Dad are a happy little family.

Watch this space!

Monday, January 19, 2009

He's the one they call Dr. Feelgood. . .

Well, yesterday was a pretty big day for me. I had my first doctor's appointment, so I had to go out into the world! Thankfully, it's gotten a lot warmer since Mom and Dad brought me home from the hospital. It was all the way up to 23 degrees! That's practically shorts weather!

Mom and Dad put me in another one of that Calvin kid's outfits. The pants were so big they came up under my armpits -- 0-3 months, my little red butt! Still, I looked pretty cute with my hat on and everything. I fussed when they put me in my car seat, but once I was buckled in I fell fast asleep. I slept all the way through Mom and Dad's errands, and I only barely woke up in the doctor's office. I remember them taking off my diaper and weighing me, and then I remember peeing all over the exam table, and then I was off to sleep again.

I hear the doctor said that I am healthy and strong. My heart and lungs sound great, my color is perfect, I don't have any jaundice, and I'm eating plenty. I was already pretty sure I was perfect, but it was good to hear someone else verify it.

Then it was back home, where I finally woke up and ate a little, then sat and stared at Mom, Dad, and Grandma for a few hours. To top it all off, I got the hiccups for the first time (well, the first time since I've been outside of Mom. She says I used to get them all the time on the inside).

After a pretty good night where I actually slept more than I cried, I'm looking forward to watching the inauguration with Mom and Dad. I was there when Mom voted for Obama, after all! And if you think I'm going to make a diaper joke about "change we can believe in," then you're going to be sorely disappointed. Let's have a little dignity, okay?

Watch this space!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

It's a onesie! Says who? Calvin Klein!

Well, last night was a busy night for me and Mom and Dad. I learned some new things, and they learned some new things, and it was practically an after-school special by the time we were done!

I learned how to hold my head up yesterday! When mom put me on her shoulder, I lifted my head up and looked right at her and then at grandma and at the bookshelf--just checking things out.

I also learned how to really maximize the power of my vocal cords. I used to just have cute little cries that Mom and Dad thought were precious. Last night I really found my voice: now I can sound like a pterodactyl with a Marshall amp when I want to! It's a cry that's so loud it rattles Mom and Dad's brains a little bit. It sure makes them pay attention to me!

So last night I just wasn't happy until well into the wee hours of the morning. First I needed a diaper change, then I was mad about being changed, then I immediately dirtied my diaper again and was furious and needed to be changed, then I was hungry but too mad to eat, so I just cried for an hour or so, until I finally calmed down and ate some. I ate a LOT last night, so I must be just about to grow! Maybe I can fit into my snowsuit soon.

Mom and Dad learned that they can sleep while I'm sleeping and they don't have to worry. They bought a little infant positioner that keeps me on my back in the co-sleeper, since I can already roll over onto my side! Once they put that in the co-sleeper and put me on top, I stayed asleep for a couple hours at a stretch.

Today has been much better. I got my very first bath at home; I wasn't sure about the bath to begin with, but I really enjoyed it by the time we were done. Then Mom combed my hair and put me in one of my nice onesies. . It's apparently a hand-me-down from some kid named Calvin, but I like it and I look pretty spiffy in it. As always, there are new pictures of me and even a video on my flickr set.

Watch this space!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Good morning, yeah.

Good morning! Did you get any sleep last night?

Oh, don't worry about me. I slept most of yesterday, so I didn't need much sleep during the night. Mom and Dad found out that I know how to roll over in bed, so they didn't want me to sleep in my co-sleeper. So they took turns holding me, and mom fed me a couple of times, and none of us slept very much. Thank goodness for Grandma -- without her, nobody would have gotten any sleep at all!

Now our whole little family is sitting in the bed together. I'm staring at my mom because she is so pretty, and she's staring at me because I'm so very cute. It works out pretty well.

Watch this space!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Love is speakin' in code, it's an inside joke, love is coming home.

I'm home! After a photo shoot with a renowned baby photographer (see the details on my flickr), a clean bill of health from the pediatrician, and another check-up for mom, we finally got to go home!

I really, really didn't like getting strapped into my car seat, but once I was in, I promptly fell asleep and slept the whole way home. It's really stupid cold outside, but I was wrapped in a snowsuit and covered in a blanket, so I didn't notice. I didn't really wake up until we went into the nursery and mom and dad changed my diaper.

I think I like it here -- I slept for a couple of hours, then I was so hungry I ate for an hour straight. This breast feeding thing isn't so bad, once you get the hang of it.

After that, Dad put my fleece sleep sack on and I just sat in his arms and stared at him, until he stopped paying attention to the computer and started talking to me. He told me we were going to go to the farmer's market this spring, and the lake this summer, and the apple orchard in the fall. We'll see if he keeps his promises!

Now I'm resting in mom's arms, just waiting until I can eat again. I'm so glad our family is complete!

Watch this space!

Strikes and gutters, man, strikes and gutters.

So here I am, about a day and a half old. The past twenty-four hours have been interesting, to say the least. Grandma and Grampa came to visit before bed, and they took turns holding me.

Then around about 12:30 a.m., Mom was trying to get me to breast-feed and it finally made sense! I latched on perfectly and drank and drank until I was stuffed and exhausted. After that, I slept for five straight hours, and after I got fed again, I slept for three more!

So my reward for all of that sleep was a circumcision. Thanks a lot, Mom and Dad. After that, I was a little cranky for a while, which I think was justified. Then there was even *more* poking and prodding and tests, and if Dad hadn't kept holding me and singing to me, I really would have lost it.

So far Dad has sung me "Mississippi," by Bob Dylan, "I'm Your Moon" by Jonathan Coulton, and "All Right For Now," by Tom Petty. My dad is not only devilishly handsome, but he has excellent taste in music! (Actually, I'm not going to go schilling for my dad or my mom. Don't you hate those onesies that say, "My Dad is Handsome" or "My Mom is Hot?" I want one that says, "My Dad is So Desperate for Validation He Uses His Son to Fish for Compliments." Think that'll fit?)

There are still more pictures on my flickr, so make sure and check them out. Mom and Dad are about to pay ridiculous amounts of money for some really awesome professional pictures of me, so I'll post those as soon as I can!

Watch this space!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

10 PRINT "Hello World!"

Hi, everybody!

My name is Oliver Bradley Thomas Nite. My parents, Josh and Jess Nite, call me Ollie. Before I was born, Mom and Dad didn't know if I was a boy, a girl, or something in between, so they called me Dagmar. Thank goodness they changed that when they met me!

My dad set up this blog for me, so he could write about me in insufferably cute first-person, all the while suffering post-modern angst about it. Let's just call this an ironic adorable baby blog, because that makes it okay.

Anyway, I was scheduled to be born on Wednesday, January 14th. Mom and Dad were going to go to the hospital at 7:30 in the morning, and then they'd break Mom's water and she'd go into labor. But I decided I couldn't wait, and I started labor myself at 10:30 on Tuesday night.

Mom and Dad went to the hospital, and Mom's water broke all by itself at 2:00 in the morning. Twelve hours later, she was ready to push!

Then I got a little lost and turned around and stuck inside mom's birth canal. She pushed for four hours before I came out -- so I'm sure I'll never hear the end of that. "Mom, didn't you wash my gym clothes?" "I pushed for FOUR HOURS to get you out!"

Anyway, I'm here now. I was born at 6:02 on Wednesday, January 14th. I weighed 8 lbs and 4 ozs, and was 21 inches long. My head is still all sore from the vacuum thing they had to use to help get me out. Right now it's 11:41 on Thursday and I've been sleeping since 8 this morning. After all, I was up all night long! I'm still trying to figure out this whole breast feeding thing, but I'm sure I'll get there.

Watch this space!